Busy december days in Holland 6 January 20077 January 2016Eelco4659 views It’s saterday evening. Our last evening in Holland, in the house of my parents. Tomorrow, we’ll fly back to Buenos Aires. We planned [...]
How to get into the San Pedro jail in La Paz 19 September 20067 January 2016Eelco6322 views YES!!! It is still possible to get into the famous San Pedro jail in La Paz. Previously, you could get a tour, but [...]
Peru Tips 19 September 20061 December 2015Bas5354 views Peru was for us the country where every city and village had its own food. The first tip is go in every town [...]
Cuenca and Quilota loop tips 19 September 20061 December 2015Bas3938 views Lovely hostels in Cuenca and Quilotoa Loop In Cuenca we met Luis at the busstation where he was promoting his hostel. He explaned how [...]
Machu Picchu on a budget 23 August 20061 December 2015Bas12835 views Machu Picchu is one of the highlights of Peru and one of the most expensive. If you look in guidebooks and go to [...]
Information and our route in Ecuador 2 June 20061 December 2015Eelco4895 views We did Ecuador very quick, “just” 6 weeks! For us that is VERY quick. And it even included 18 days on the Galápagos. [...]
Galápagos on a ‘budget’ (2006) 27 May 20061 December 2015Bas20008 views Galápagos is a great experience but also an expensive one. If you start orientating, you soon discover the prices of cruises start around [...]
Colombia, incredible, beautiful and friendly! 20 April 20061 December 2015Eelco4999 views When we started our trip (1,5 year ago) we didn’t even think about going to Colombia, way to dangerous! But, while travelling through [...]
Boquete tips 22 December 20052 December 2015Bas5704 views Hiking with Feliciano, Bakery Shalom and the sunday fight club starring Ngöbe-Buglé indians We almost stayed a month in the small town Boquete and [...]
T-shirt tip Paraiso Cartago 9 December 20052 December 2015Bas6260 views No soy gringo, soy holandes A lot of times the local kids in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua call us gringos. We had a [...]