León tips 24 August 20056 December 2015Bas3716 views Praise the hamburgers! The hamburger with fries we tried the first night in a restaurant was a bit disappointing, so another night we [...]
Tips for Tegucigalpa 17 August 20056 December 2015Eelco3176 views Restaurant tip Looking for a good splurge restaurant in Tegucigalpa? Go to La Cumbra. It’s about 1 mile further then El Picanco (the [...]
From Honduras, through la Moskitia to Nicaragua on a budget 4 August 20057 December 2015Bas16637 views La Moskitia (sometimes written Mosquitia) is a nice jungle forest at the north east of Honduras and part in Niguragua. There is not a [...]
We’ve seen a Whale Shark! 11 July 20057 December 2015Eelco5022 views Oke, this is not our picture, but it’s how we realy saw a Whale Shark while diving and snorkling around Utila, Honduras. At [...]
A new country: El Salvador 31 May 20057 December 2015Eelco3189 views We’re in a new country, with internet connections not that good as in Guatemala. So after spending a lot of time in the [...]
Last message about Guatemala 21 May 20057 December 2015Eelco2817 views From Metapán, El Salvador we send this last message about Guatemala. After 6 months we´re gone leave Guatemala. It took us longer then [...]
Finaly Antigua 13 May 20057 December 2015Eelco3628 views Finaly we reaches one of the, if not the most importent tourist atraction of Guatemala. Antigua. And we must admit, it´s beautifull. At [...]
The Maya Museum site is also online 1 May 20057 December 2015Eelco2404 views The other website we made has gone online too! At http://www.museomayatzutujil.com you can find the site of the Maya museum of San Pedro. UPDATE December 2015 the site [...]
Again a couple of weeks in San Pedro 27 April 20057 December 2015Eelco2646 views While we write this, we´re already back in in San Pedro la Laguna for a couple of weeks. To pick up our stuf, [...]
Semana Santa in Guatemala City 2 April 20057 December 2015Eelco2693 views Survived the most dangerous city of the most dangerous country of Central America To avoid the big crowds of Antigua during Semana Santa, [...]