With a breeze in the back over the Atlantic Ocean 21 June 201621 June 2016Eelco2410 views Although we had wind took it longer than the captain had expected. The wind was less strongly than hoped and was also not [...]
Hiking and Couchsurfing through North-Holland 1 July 20112 December 2015Eelco4213 views In 1990 I traveled through Africa for one year and then together with my girlfriend I backpacked through Latin America for two and [...]
Tulips, cheese and the Bokketochie 14 May 20072 December 2015Eelco12592 views Does this sound familiar: you travel abroad and meet people who have visited your own country, and they’ve seen things, close to where [...]
Trekking Villa O’Higgins (Chile) to El Chaltén (ARG) 21 March 20072 December 2015Eelco11152 views After going down the Carretera Austral in Chili you end up in Villa O’Higgins. If you want to continue to the south you [...]
Trekking information Parque Nacional Puyehue, Baños El Caulle (Chili) 15 February 20072 December 2015Bas15436 views We went trekking around Volcan Puyehue. First day to campsite Perdida, the second day to refugio El Caulle and climbing Volcan Puyehue and the third [...]
Busy december days in Holland 6 January 20077 January 2016Eelco4661 views It’s saterday evening. Our last evening in Holland, in the house of my parents. Tomorrow, we’ll fly back to Buenos Aires. We planned [...]
How to get into the San Pedro jail in La Paz 19 September 20067 January 2016Eelco6325 views YES!!! It is still possible to get into the famous San Pedro jail in La Paz. Previously, you could get a tour, but [...]
Peru Tips 19 September 20061 December 2015Bas5356 views Peru was for us the country where every city and village had its own food. The first tip is go in every town [...]
Cuenca and Quilota loop tips 19 September 20061 December 2015Bas3941 views Lovely hostels in Cuenca and Quilotoa Loop In Cuenca we met Luis at the busstation where he was promoting his hostel. He explaned how [...]
Machu Picchu on a budget 23 August 20061 December 2015Bas12835 views Machu Picchu is one of the highlights of Peru and one of the most expensive. If you look in guidebooks and go to [...]