A slow 250 miles to home 1 November 20165 May 2022Eelco22631 views Last Thursday we met with the Tres Hombres in Amsterdam. And with that, an end to my trans-Atlantic round trip this summer with [...]
Hiking and Couchsurfing through North-Holland 1 July 20112 December 2015Eelco4213 views In 1990 I traveled through Africa for one year and then together with my girlfriend I backpacked through Latin America for two and [...]
Tulips, cheese and the Bokketochie 14 May 20072 December 2015Eelco12592 views Does this sound familiar: you travel abroad and meet people who have visited your own country, and they’ve seen things, close to where [...]
Busy december days in Holland 6 January 20077 January 2016Eelco4661 views It’s saterday evening. Our last evening in Holland, in the house of my parents. Tomorrow, we’ll fly back to Buenos Aires. We planned [...]
Appartment for rent near Amsterdam 4 November 20052 December 2015Eelco2412 views Our apparment is for rent again. The current tenant found another job, further away. He didn’t want to leave but the traveltime was to [...]
The 4Daagse of Nijmegen 26 July 20047 January 2016Eelco2521 views Last week Bas and Eelco did the ‘Nijmeegse 4daagse’. It’s al 4 day walk of 30, 40 or 50 Km a day. Bas [...]