Our last days in Belize were not the most spectacular once of our trip. We´re following the cost of Belize via Placencia and Punta Gorda.
Placencia is a very small town, the caye you can drive to. It could be very nice, but not if it´s raining. I could out of bed just in time to take a picture without rain, but then it started te rain like …. Nice about that was that we could take a shower outside, without all the cockroaches that lived in the shower of the cabaña!
Punta Gorda is the last village of Belize we visited. Nothing very special. Most exciting was the downdrop of the electricity in the evening. But how do you take nice pictures of that? By boat we left Punta Gorda, heading for Livingston, Guatemala.
The photos of these exciting days can be found here.